Come back to me

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Would that today you might fast, so as to make your voice heard on high!

This, rather, is the fasting that I wish:

Releasing those bound unjustly, untying the thongs of the yoke;

Setting free the oppressed, breaking every yoke;

Sharing your bread with the hungry, sheltering the oppressed and homeless;

Clothing the naked when you see them, and not turning your back on your own.

– Isaiah 58: 6 – 7

The Lord’s words today from the book of Isaiah, helps us to understand, the heart of the Father.

When we ponder, Father God, what do YOU really want from me?

The answer in some ways is summarised in these words.

To serve one another, especially the poor and marginalised members of our society.

Writing those words,  ‘poor and marginalised’ makes me uncomfortable – and I wonder why.

Is it because I do not want to ‘categorise’ some of our brothers and sisters?

Is it because I have have given into the syndrome which Pope Francis calls, ‘the globalisation of indifference’?

Or is it because, I have a piercing agony in my heart of how I have fallen short of keeping my eyes open to see and my heart open to help those who are in need.

This reflection makes me think that it’s the latter two.

I’ve become so indifferent. It didn’t start all at once. It started creeping in, slowly…but steadily. I became too busy with my own life. Too ‘unable and unavailable’ to help. That now… I’ve completely lost touch of who I need to help. EVEN THOUGH THEY STARE ME IN THE FACE BY DAY AND NIGHT.

Lord, I REPENT. Please forgive me.

I hear Your call to, come back to you with all my heart…

And I say yes, Lord. I come back to You with all my heart.

In this season of Lent, Lord, I want my voice to be heard on high.

I want to do Your Will.

Just help me Lord today, to ‘begin again’ to change, and make a turn. To have a heart that is open, and eyes that are open, to see the hurt and needs of others around me. So that with an open heart and with open hands, I can reach out to comfort, heal and love and provide generously to meet the needs of others.

Thank You Lord for hearing my prayer and for providing the grace in abundance that I need. AMEN.


Always and Forever,

To The Lamb.

With all my love.



Come back to me with all your heart.
Don’t let fear keep us apart…
Long have I waited for your coming home to me
and living deeply our new life.

– ©1972, 1994 The Benedictine Foundation of the State of Vermont, Inc.

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