Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be in dread of them: for it is the LORD your God who goes with you; he will not fail you or forsake you.” – Deuteronomy 31: 6
Today the LORD encourages us to be strong and have courage. Speaking through the mouth of Moses to the children of Israel and Joshua as they were about to cross into the promised land, Moses gives the instruction three times to the people.
This is not just instructing but confirming the instruction to God’s people and Joshua.
As I ponder this instruction, I find it a bit different. To begin with, I always ask the LORD to strengthen me, to fill me with courage for the journey, the assignment, the task, the future.
However today, the LORD is saying clearly to me that I have to do my own part by being strong and courageous.
It feels like He is saying to me, “My child I have equipped you with the strength, power, courage and victory you need for this journey, assignment. You only need to rise up in faith, be strong and take courage and move forward!”
What a mighty God we serve.
He has already done everything for us.
Yet if anyone is like me, we may still feel weak, unworthy maybe or just lacking in courage.
Today let our hearts cry out to the LORD For Grace to revive and co-operate with His strength and instruction in Jesus Name! Amen!
O God my Father, Abba Father, my times are in Your Hands o Holy Father.
Righteous God, giver of every good and perfect gift I asked for a renewed understanding of Your Power at work in me.
Strengthen my mind o Holy Father.
Stengthen my will.
Strengthen my vision o God – help me to see. Help me to trust and move forward in faith in the Promise that You have bestowed upon me.
Make them new again o God that as I walk circumspectly before You, I shall not be afraid and overcome all the obstacles on my way.
Victory is mine said the LORD of Hosts and I believe, and I receive IN JESUS NAME! Amen!!!
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb
With all my ❤