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Affirming our faith

Sing praises to our God, sing praises. Sing praises to our king, sing praises.

Psalm 47:6

Often we read the word of God and we reflect upon it in our hearts, but we forget to utter it out and affirm our faith.

It is so important to constantly speak out the word of God so that it may come to fruition in our lives.

The positive Bible verses we speak will have a lasting impact in our lives if we utter them boldly with the Spirit of Christ.

If we speak how Christ spoke, we can become like Him and change this world for the better. 


Lord Jesus, I thank You for giving me Your word.

With it, I now have the confidence to speak how You spoke and utter positive things into fruition.

I pray You continue to fill me with Your spirit so I may continue to walk in Your steps, and I pray others will see me as a beacon of light, leading them towards Your truth.


Always & Forever,

To The Lamb,

With all my


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