A royal people

But you are a chosen race, a kingdom of priests, a holy nation, a people to be a personal possession to sing the praises of God who called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light.

1 Peter 2:9

This verse from St Peter is full of so much encouragement.

He sets the scene of who we are in Christ Jesus. The treasures are simply awesome: a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people set apart.

As if these were not enough, he reminds us that God has called us out of darkness.

So, we have the inextinguishable light of God living in us.

It’s interesting that God views us as a holy nation (in the singular), when indeed we are people from multiple nations, and tribes, and tongues – as revealed each time we gather in Church, and even in the Book of Revelation.

This means that in God’s eyes, we are one people whom He has formed for His Kingdom.

The Kingdom of God is our primary origin and final destination.

This is why we are considered as one race, one priestly people, one holy nation.

This should help us understand that in God’s Kingdom there is absolutely no division.

There is no racial discrimination or supremacy or inferiority.

There is no regarding of people as from developed versus developing or underdeveloped economies, and assigning benefits based on such.

We are all equal in His Presence, as the Blood of JESUS has been shed for every single human that ever lived, that ever lives, that will ever live, on earth.

This promise of our Heavenly inheritance is God’s will for all people; to receive it, we need to simply say “yes”, to the Father’s love.


Heavenly Father, Who art my very source of life.

I say “yes” to Your marvellous love.

I say “yes” Father, to my inherited promises from You through Jesus Christ Your Son.

Father, I say “yes” to Your love and mercy, and Your grace and Your saving help.

Oh transform me in Your love, mighty Father and fill me by Your grace.

Let me live, walk, live and breathe and love in You.

Cause me heart to be still, simply still before You and know that You are God; as I drink from the fullness of Your treasures.

In Jesus Name, I pray.


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

10 May 2020

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