The Way

Jesus said: I am the Way; I am Truth and Life. No one can come to the Father except through me.

John 14:6

The LORD Jesus shows us the way to the Father. He fills our hearts with pure love and light as we trust in Him to guide us.

His promise is that eternal life to the Father is through Him alone.

God created us for Himself; and as St Augustine says, our hearts are restless until they rest in Him.

So we should rejoice at the promise of Jesus that as we lean on Him, He leads us to the Father.

He is also the Truth, Who enlightens our every darkness.

Recently, I was pondering on the blurred lines that seem to exist in our world between truth and lies, trust and distrust, fake news and real news.

Jesus assures us that as we ponder His teaching through the Gospels, we would have clarity that frees us from error.

Finally, Jesus is the Life!

The word “finally” is so true, because Jesus is our “final” life.

We can only rely on Him for the assurance of a better life after we leave this one on earth.


LORD Jesus, we worship and praise You for Your goodness.

I forever desire to live in You and dwell in Your love, with the Father.

Please help me to trust You and rely on You.

I place myself completely in Your Hands.

Thank You for Your great love towards us.


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

08 May 2020

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