He professes to have knowledge of God, and calls himself a child of the Lord. He became to us a reproof of our thoughts; the very sight of him is a burden to us, because his manner of life is unlike that of others, and his ways are strange.
Wisdom 2:13-15
The reflection from the Book of Wisdom is a remarkable prophecy about the life of Jesus Christ and how He was opposed by the religious authorities of His time.
The accuracy of this prophecy, as we read further along the verses in Wisdom 2, is amazing; as it reveals the plot to kill Jesus.
Fundamentally, the religious authorities disagreed with Jesus and sought to kill Him, because they refused to be convicted of sin by His words.
Rather than acknowledge His Righteousness, they called His ways strange.
The message of Christ’s Truth made them deeply uncomfortable and so they planned to destroy Him.
How does this resonate in our lives?
When we hear a challenging word of God, from scriptures or through the teachings of His Church, how do we react?
Do we rise up in opposition and a defensive attitude, which eventually leads us to reject the teaching?
Or do we humble ourselves to receive the word, even though it makes us uncomfortable and challenges us.
Then as we gradually yield to the Word of God, in humility, we see it bearing fruit of righteousness in our lives.
Almighty God, today I humbly acknowledge Jesus Christ, Your Son, as the Righteous One.
He alone has redeemed us by His Blood.
By the power of His Resurrection, we are raised to a new life in You.
Holy Father, raise us up with You in His glory. Far above all sin and afflictions of the evil one, may we be lifted up.
We desire Your Presence and Power in our lives above all else.
So transform us in Your redeeming love and mercy.
Thank You for the graces which Your Holy Spirit pours forth in abundance into our hearts.
Blessed be Your Most Holy Name, now and forever.
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
27 Mar 2020