I love you, O LORD, my strength,
O LORD, my rock, my fortress, my deliverer.
My God, my rock of refuge,
my shield, the horn of my salvation, my stronghold! – Psalm 18: 1 – 2
Today’s is Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent, and is the last Friday before Good Friday – the day we ‘remember’ when our Lord was crucified.
I use the word ‘remember’ as it not only implies us calling to mind, but it also means that the sacrifice of Christ over 2000 years ago, is made present again to us in a real way in our own time.
It is for this very reason, that Catholic churches throughout the world, do not celebrate Mass on Good Friday…but hold a service instead.
The difference between Mass and a service in Catholic terms is the consecration of the Holy Eucharist which takes place during Mass, does not happen in a service.
In today’s readings, we have the events of Christ’s persecution foretold in the life of Jeremiah.
Even though he is going through a lot of persecution in his life, Jeremiah acknowledges the strength of God to save him from those who are plotting against him.
Also in the psalm, David gives praise to God for being his strength, and delivering from the hands of his enemies, especially from the hands of Saul.
All these point to the ultimate deliverance that Jesus experienced in His own life, through His death and resurrection.
The Resurrection of our Lord Jesus, was the most powerful demonstration of the strength of God in the life of Jesus and the power of God to save from the greatest enemy of man, the devil.
Jesus through His death on the Cross and by His Resurrection, destroyed once and for all, the power of the devil against all those who believe in Him.
Today, Jesus sends out a clear message to His listeners, to believe in Him or at least believe the works that He performs so that they may realise and understand that Father is in Him and He is in the Father. – John 10: 37 – 38
Jesus is not saying this out of ego, but because He wants His listeners to experience the power of His deliverance through His Resurrection – which can only come through faith in Jesus, the Christ.
So today, even as we walk closer towards Christ’s Passion on Good Friday, we have reason to sing praise to God, for He indeed is our strength – who has given us the greatest victory, ever!
Almighty Father, we acknowledge that You alone are our strength, and our song.
You are the mighty deliverer Who saves us from every power of evil.
Indeed, You alone are mighty to save.
Thank You for demonstrating Your strength in our lives, again and again.
As we move closer to Good Friday and Easter, help us to gain full understanding of the saving mysteries of our Redemption.
Let us spread abroad the joy of our salvation.
Thank You Holy Father for Your love for us.
In Jesus Name, we give You praise.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb.
With all my love.