Whoever serves me, must follow me, and my servant will be with me wherever I am. If anyone serves me, my Father will honour him.
John 12:26
Jesus says this to us today, that if we serve Him, the Father will honour us.
Can you imagine receiving the Father’s honour?
Do we even have the faintest understanding of what Christ means and how God the Father will honour us if we serve Jesus His Son?
I’m convinced we do not yet.
So may the Holy Spirit, begin to open our hearts and minds and eyes and ears to perceive and understand and see and hear in new ways as never before what this truly means in Jesus Name. Amen!
Ah! What could this possibly mean? What could this possibly be?
What are these magnificent treasures of graces and glories that are available to me here and now (to all of us who believe in Christ) that I am still blind to see and slow to understand?
How I pray for a deeper connection to the heart and mind of Christ that I may truly know and appreciate these gifts.
Because only when I do, can my heart be radically transformed and I’ll give the entire world in a heartbeat only to possess the riches of God!
Most merciful Saviour, my heart is aflame when I think about the treasures of graces that You have freely given to us.
Why am I slow to understand and receive them?
Oh, that I may receive our Heavenly Father’s honour for serving You.
What joy shall fill my heart LORD!
This is my prayer today and forever, LORD!
Make this my present and eternal reality LORD, I implore You.
Whatever You have to change in me, heal in me, restore in me, uplift in me, to make this desire of Your heart fulfilled in me, I give You full permission to do.
You are the Eternal, Loving One and I want more and ALL of You. Nothing else will do.
(Sancta Maria, Mater Dei, Mater Meo, ora pro nobis).
Always & Forever,
To the Lamb,
With all my ❤
10 Aug 2020