Stephen’s Radiance

The members of the Sanhedrin all looked intently at Stephen, and his face appeared to them like the face of an angel.

Acts 6:15

When severe persecution of Jesus’ disciples started, St Stephen was one of the first to be arrested.

The Jewish authorities arrested him by surprise and questioned him about his faith in Christ.

He was unshaken in his confidence as he responded to the questions, confirming and confessing the Lordship of Christ.

It is interesting to see that the principal reason why he was persecuted was because he was filled with grace to perform great signs and miracles among the people; and he had the Spirit of wisdom upon him so his opponents who came to refute him, could not stand up against him.

Since they couldn’t succeed through wisdom or arguments, they decided to accuse him falsely.

However when he was brought before them, the Spirit of God was mightily upon him and his face was like that of an angel.

How full of the Holy Spirit, Stephen must have been, that he was completely transformed by the Spirit’s power and presence.

It is sufficient for us to pause and reflect on how the Holy Spirit imparts His graces to us.

Are we sufficiently disposed to receive His gifts?

Is my heart completely open to His love and grace?

Oh that my heart may beat as one with Him!


Today dear Holy Spirit, I want to praise and implore Your Presence with the song of Your Church.

Holy Spirit LORD of Light.

From the clear celestial height,

Thy pure beaming radiance give

Come Thou Father of the poor

Come with treasures that endure

Come Thou Light of all that live.

Thou of all consolers best

Thou the soul’s delightful guest

Dost refreshing peace bestow

Thou who in toil art comfort sweet

Pleasant coolness in the heat

Solace in the midst of woe.

Light immortal, Light Divine

Visit Thou these hearts of Thine

And our inmost being fill

If Thou take Thy grace away

Nothing pure in man will stay

All his good is turned to ill.

Heal our wounds, our strength renew

On our dryness pour Thy dew

Wash the stains of guilt away

Bend the stubborn heart and will

Melt the frozen warm the chill

Guide the steps that go astray.

Thou on us who evermore

Thee confess and Thee adore

With Thy sevenfold gifts descend

Give us comfort when we die

Give us life with Thee on high

Give us joys that never end.


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

27 Apr 2020

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