Seeking God’s Mercy

This evil people, these people who refuse to listen to my words, who follow their own stubborn inclinations and run after other gods, serving and worshipping them — this people will become like this waistcloth, no good for anything.

Jeremiah 13:10

Today we ponder on God’s warning to His people.

As Christians who bear the name of Christ, we are God’s people.

I feel today God is reminding us (me) to be careful of where my heart is aligned.

Am I aligned to the desires of this world – riches, wealth and fame – and see them as an end game?

Or do I sincerely desire Christ – and all that following Him offers – and see this as my end game?

Matthew 8:36 says, “What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and suffers the loss of his soul?”

May this never be my portion or the portion of any of us as God’s people.

We acknowledge that the race is not easy; all the more reason why we need to seek God’s grace.

His grace is super abundantly sufficient.

Today, as we hear His voice, let us not harden our hearts but repent and ask for His infinte Mercy.

His Divine Mercy is available to us today.


God of Mercy, we confess that we have sinned against You.

Our hearts have wandered far from You.

And where our hearts have remained with You LORD, we’ve often acted like distracted children – before their Father’s Presence and yet with wandering eyes and minds that follow the temptations of this world.

LORD, I am sorry!

I confess this particular sin to You, o my King, that it shall never again have its hold on me. In Jesus Name, amen!

Fill me with Jesus with Your overflowing graces and mercy. As I call upon You today, acknowledging Your word of caution, have mercy on us and transform us in Your love.

Thank You God for hearing us always.


We love You LORD Jesus!

Alleluia! Amen!!!

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