My Father Forever

I sat down for weeks pondering

What this new year would bring

A milestone it seems

Brings more nerves within

The desire to be seen

The cry that is concealed

The wonder that is desired

Can only be You that’s required


As the days grew closer

My waiting turned to pain

Cos it seemed like You wouldn’t move

In the way that I sought You to

What was I to do

O Lord I feel confused


In my desperation I cried

I could no longer hide

My fears and worries finally I voiced out

Then in a still small voice You came

And reminded me of the truth

That my times are in Your Hands

And suddenly my fears were removed.


I found a peace deep within my soul

That before then, I didn’t know

The plans You have for me

Are for good and not for evil

To bring me to an expected end

So now o Lord I can truly rest.


For it is not in the one that willeth or runneth 

But it is unto You God Who shows mercy

And today You have shown me Your utmost mercy

By establishing my life again

And renewing Your covenant with me

Therefore o Lord I sing Your praise

And my heart would not remain still 

For there’s a song deep within

That says You are my Father forever

O yes, God my Father forever 

For You are my Father, forever!


Thank You Father, my Father!

Always & Forever,

To The Lamb.

With all my ❤

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