Hear, O Israel!
The Lord our God is Lord alone!
You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind,
and with all your strength. – Mark 12: 29 – 30
In today’s Gospel from Friday of the Third Week of Lent, the Lord Jesus encounters a teacher of the law who asks him, which is the first of all the commandments.
In reply, Jesus explains that the love of God is the first commandment to be obeyed and second to this, is the love of neighbour.
The Lord continues to explain that all the other commandments are wrapped up in this two.
What does it mean then Lord Jesus, to love the Lord our God…
With all our heart?
With all our soul?
With all our mind?
With all our strength?
Loving God with all my heart – means to ponder always on You, o Lord. To hold deep within my heart the treasures of Your saving love. It means as Pope Benedict XVI said, to come “heart to heart” with you, Jesus.
Loving God with all my soul – means to desire only You, and long for You above all. As the deer pants for the running waters. To be so consumed in my desire for You and Your kingdom. To be enraptured in You.
Loving God with all my mind – means to have the mind of Christ. To be transformed by the renewal of my mind, so that I do not conform to the world but discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect. – Romans 12: 2
Loving God with all my strength – means to serve God in all my ways. To use the talents that God has given me and the life I’ve received from Him, in service to Him.
Lord Jesus, thank You for teaching us the mysteries of our Father’s Kingdom.
Thank You for calling us to love again today – and showing us how we can put our love into action.
Give us the grace o Lord we pray, to love You above all, with all our heart, soul, mind and strength.
And help us to love our neighbours as ourselves for love of You.
We ask Lord Jesus in Your Most Holy Name.
Always & Forever,
To The Lamb.
With all my love.