Ash Wednesday

Who knows whether he will not turn and repent, and leave a blessing behind him, a cereal offering and a drink offering for the LORD, your God?

Joel 2:14

Today is the start of Lent.

This is a holy season of repentance through prayer and fasting with almsgiving.

The word holy means to be set apart.

This means that during this period we set apart time to unite ourselves wholly to the LORD our God.

The prophet Joel talks about this in today’s meditation.

He encourages God’s people that as they repent, God would turn back to forgive the sins and restore the fortunes of His people.

I feel strongly that Christians especially Catholics (of which I am one) throughout the world need to lay hold of this message and run with it.

During this season, God is calling on us to truly repent and come back to Him.

We need to be restored!

Our lives need to be renewed – within and without!

The Bride of Christ needs to be revived!

Jesus is calling us to walk and work with Him to achieve this.

We can decide to heed His call or not.

Whatever our decision Jesus is ultimately the Head of His Body and the Faithful Bridegroom Who will most surely revive His Bride.

The only caveat is that if we refuse or fail to work with Him, then we risk not being part of that revival – o may we never experience such loss in Jesus Name.

All God wants from us is to present ourselves and offer our lives to Him.

He will receive us, and use us.

Let us not be frightened for the walk and work with our God.

If we give Him even as little as we have and are (as the young boy with five loaves and two fish did), He will surely receive and multiply to feed His people.

So today let us simply come to Him and surrender into His grace!


Holy God I surrender all to You today.

You are God, Living and True.

As we start this walk and work of Lent with you, fill us with Your grace to learn from our Master.

Make us teachable and humble before You.

Impart upon us a double anointing to intercede for the restoration of the glory of Your Church.

Let that be our sole focus this season as we wait upon You to do something brand new in the life of Your Bride and in our lives too.

Thank You Jesus for this new dawn!

As we trust that You will leave a blessing behind.


Always & Forever,

To the Lamb,

With all my ❤

26 Feb 2020

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