Shepherd - Photo by Biegun Wschodni on Unsplash

Shepherd of God’s children

He prophesied that Jesus was going to die for the nation,
and not only for the nation,
but also to gather into one the dispersed children of God. – John 11: 51 – 52


Today is Saturday of the Fifth Week of Lent, and in today’s readings, we see the relationship between God’s promise through the prophet Ezekiel to provide one shepherd for His people, with the mission of Jesus.

Through Ezekiel, God makes some great promises to His people.

He promises to set His servant David as prince over them forever; to make an everlasting covenant with them with His sanctuary in their midst, and to give them one shepherd.

This prophecy of Ezekiel is also echoed in the prophesy of Jeremiah, that the Lord will gather His people, and guard them as a shepherd guards His flock (Jeremiah 31: 10).

Again in the Gospel, St John alludes the fulfillment of these prophesies to Jesus’ saving work on the Cross, when he refers to Caiaphas’ prophecy that Jesus would die to gather into one the dispersed children of God.

With God, there are no co-incidences, only God-incidences.

The Lord God Almighty, writes through the crooked lines, and makes everything work together for the good of His people.

Today let us reflect on God’s omnipotent power and His omniscient Wisdom.

He is indeed a great God Who is worthy of all our praise for His benevolent love towards us His children.


Lord Jesus, today we reflect on the promise we’ve received through the ages, that God will provide a shepherd to gather into one, His dispersed children.

We acknowledge that You are our Shepherd, Who fulfils this purpose of the Father.

By dying on the Cross, You’ve gathered us all into the Kingdom of Your Father, Whom we now call ‘Our Father’.

We are grateful for Your saving work on the Cross.

And today we rejoice at the knowledge that You o Lord, are our Shepherd, Who guards and guide us, and therefore, there is nothing we shall want.



Always & Forever,

To The Lamb.

With all my love.


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